I sigh as I lay the cushion on the long chair set in the middle of my yard. I’ve got my fresh coffee next to me, a fresh towel under me, fresh me… my mind is the only thing that doesn’t feel that much refreshed. That cold shower didn’t do justice to the nature of my thoughts. It’s because M. said that today, around noon, he might stop by for a chat, as he has some business in the area. I don’t know if this nervousness comes from that, the fact that we’ll be alone, for the first time, or if this crush I have developed on him is getting out of control. I try to place in time and space the exact moment when we clicked through the dynamic of our group of friends, but I can’t… it sort of just happened that he became a part of my world. Maybe he won’t even show up today, he hasn’t said anything in the past three…

 ‘Hmmm… If I had known this is how you’re waiting for me…’

 Holly shit! I get startled to the sound of HIS voice coming from a few steps away from me. I instantly pop up to my butt with a racing heart.

 ‘…I would’ve come visit sooner.’ His voice breaks into laughter.

 Fuck! I know he grew accustomed to my place from all the previous gatherings and hang-out sessions with our friends, but I did NOT expect him to let himself in like this! He lowers his sunglasses, measuring my body like I’m his prey while he comes closer, placing them to hang at the collar of his shirt as he takes a place in the grass right next to me. Casually. Just like that. Like I’m not sitting almost naked in front of him.

 ‘I…’ I try to speak up but I mumble. Then I clear my throat. ‘I didn’t expect you this early…’ my voice is on the verge of trembling, but I insist on pushing through this awkwardness. ‘Do… do you want some coffee?’ Now I’m panting. ‘I can go make you some… let me just…’

 I try to stand up, even though getting up and showing him my butt in bikinis is not exactly on my wishlist right now, but I haven’t thought about it until this very moment, and oh fuck! His hand sets on my leg, just above my knee… on my bare skin!… emptying the air from my lungs as he stops me. He reaches for my cup of coffee with his other hand and takes a sip while his eyes set on mine.

 ‘This will do. Thanks!’

 His touch feels cold on my freshly sun-kissed skin, not in an uncomfortable way but more like refreshing, making my whole skin erupt into goosebumps. I hold on to my breath and I count the seconds until he releases me from the tension, but he doesn’t. His hand turns to the inside of my thigh and travels up… oh god!… is this really happening or am I imagining it? I finally break the block on my chest and I suck in some air, deep and slow, just like his hand travels on the surface of my skin. My eyes squeeze shut tight after it becomes impossible to trace his move when it comes closer, too close! Half an inch maybe, to my only covered zone. This time he stops, freeing me of his touch, forcing my eyes open to find his and maybe some answers, but I find his eyes set on my breasts, staring, shamelessly. Heat flushes through my body, and it’s not from the sun, and regardless of the sensation, as I build up the courage to follow his point of interest, I feel my skin still tight on me, and oh! My nipples too! Straight up pointy through my bikini top. I raise my eyes back to look at him and I switch a couple of times frantically between his still staring eyes and my still pointy nipples. Then I notice his lips spread into a cocky smile and before I stop my shuffling, I feel something tickling at the side of my hip that gets my whole attention. It’s his hand, playing with the side thread of my bikini bottoms’ carefully tied bow, just erratically running it between his fingers.

 Oh no!

 My heart stops. He wouldn’t! Not here! Then it takes off.

 In plain sight! In the middle of my perfectly squared yard! In my neighborhood! The blood rushes through my veins.

 Where anyone can see me!

 Where EVERYONE knows me!

 I’m starting to pant! His fingers lock at one of the threads’ ends and I just watch, helplessly, as one loop of the bow shrinks smaller and smaller until it untangles in the middle and my side hip remains naked. I don’t have time to find my words, or my voice, or the ambition to do anything to remotely suggest him to stop before he paralyzes me with the spell of his touch again.

 The tip of his index traces up and down the line between my pelvis and my inner thigh, slow, his touch soft, starting short, each time going lower and lower, until he reaches the side of my entrance and I snap, pulling back in a short twitch. I gasp, when his move follows steadily, his touch becoming more firm, his hand setting wide over my spread. Oh gosh! I feel my cheeks burning red! My heart rebelling to break free from my chest! My half-opened bikini pushed to the left side. The only shield between my flesh and the open air and rays of sun… his hand. I take a look around and I count eleven houses above my fence with countless windows in which I see silhouettes. My head starts to spin.

 ‘St…ah!’ I try to ask him to stop, this has gone too far, but I end up my request in a sounding sigh as his middle finger starts sliding short up and down my entrance. His touch feels like bliss, sliding… am I wet?!

 ‘What was that?’ He asks, mockingly.

 Then he leans on me, his face close to mine, the length of his finger sliding all the way up on my split, through my folds until its tip finds and sets on my clit.

 Oh fuck! I am soaking wet! I answer through a growl of frustration. I hate his cocky attitude! His certitude! But most of all, I hate how well it works on me!

 He circles wet around the base of my clit, each time turning over the tip, barely touching it, driving me just insane enough to allow him to continue… this… whatever he’s doing… whatever we’re doing…

 I stretch to his lips to kiss but he pulls to the side and leans next to my face, his lips hovering over my ear, a spike of adrenaline forced by confusion traveling my body.

 ‘Na-ah, pretty one! The first kiss I’ll grant your lips…’ his voice low, his finger sliding wet back down to my entrance, and lower to my ass for just a short half of a second but enough to let me know how diverse his list of activities between my legs really is, then he comes back up to my pussy, the weight of his touch on the verge of penetrating ‘…will be on my cock.’

 Excuse me?! My body tenses in a twitch and this time I pull away to face him. Is he being serious? But when I straighten up, I catch with the corner of my eye, over my East fence, just popping over, the head of my friendly neighbor.

 Oh shit!



 My face burns redder! My heart pounds stronger! Adrenaline floods me! I close my legs over M’s hand. Oh god! Why? Is this better?! To be caught with a man’s hand between my legs or just nakedly exposed? In the middle of my yard, on the surface of my perfectly trimmed grass, on a Tuesday morning…

 My neighbor raises his hand to wave, M. responds the same way, I… I can only, barely nod my head, as a thousand questions invade my mind. Can he see me? Us? Did he notice how red I must be? Can he see how violently my chest expands? Is he wondering why? Will curiosity make him come to see more? What will he think of me now? How will I face him again when we run into each other at the store? Is he judging me? Oh god! What if he will call the police on me?! Will he tell the other neighbors? …

 I turn back to M. with shame in my eyes and a begging frown for him to put an end to my shameful misery but when our eyes meet he penetrates me. He slides his finger deep inside of me, breaking my legs loose from the tension, forcing me to grant him better access to pursue, face to face, gasp to gasp, eyes to eyes, my confusion to his arrogance, but both aroused.

 He’s starting to thrust, one finger, fairly slow, then adds a second and pins his thumb to my clit and I surrender to his skillful hand.

 My head falls back…

 My pleasure building!

 My culmination approaching!

 I’m there! Almost there! In…

 Oh my! 3…

 Oh god! 2…

 Oh fuck!…. OH FUCK! He stops!

 He fucking stops! I squirm in frustration! And I push from my hips and I try to resume and replay from inaction his blissful pace, but the control is on him. I turn to him, confused and frustrated and HUNGRY!

 ‘Beg!’ He commands in a low voice and a vicious grin.

 Holly shit! This man! It turns my head in with his way of breaking my will, but he’s giving me more euphoria and joy with one hand than any other man gave me with their artillery. His hand is teasing me now, torturing me in a craving I imagine addicts get when they don’t consume. It’s somewhat agonizing… what others take pride in barely achieving, he makes me beg for him to give me!

 ‘Please!’ I comply shyly.

 His hands start picking up the pace, his thumb rubbing my clit, his fingers curling in. I toss in need. The voice of my neighbors in the West breaks from the distance on my left into a conversation about something to do with landscaping, distracting me just enough to remember where I am.

 ‘Please… what, pretty one?’ The assertiveness in his voice grows stronger, the pace in his hand getting closer to what it was, forcing my attention back to him.

 I leave out a bashful moan. But he’s nerfing down his game, second by second in which I take my time to beg as he demands.

 ‘Please make me cum!’ I beg and he delivers.

 He starts thrusting and rubbing and when I thought the aces in his sleeve were all on the table, his pinky slides down to my ass. He holds again for another very short half of a second then slips in through my tightness. I bite my bottom lip to force myself not to let out any cries of pleasure for my judging neighbors all around.

 I close my eyes and I get lost in this man’s talent with which he’s finger fucking me in the middle of my perfect green square, under the blue sky and rays of the sun, through all the silhouettes in every window from all the eleven houses’ sight that I’m vulnerable to, through all the curious eyes that glow in my fence in the darkness of my imagination, through the conversation about landscaping, through a phone buzz that I’m just too numb to figure if it’s mine, or M’s or any other potential uninvited guest to my pleasure party.

 I get lost in every throb, curl, rub.

 And I twitch and arch and twist.

 And I explode!

 And he rides my pleasure in perfect harmony from the pulsing of my clit to the spasms of my pussy to the clenches of my ass until my body is drained.